The two hour flight from Lhasa to Chengdu took us over a mountain range 4 times longer than the swiss alps. Although the weather was mostly cloudy, a large number of glaciers in the Nyainqêntanglha Shan mountain range could be seen. Click here to open in Google Earth.

Tags: asia, china, tibet, lhasa, glacier

You would assume, they have enough mountains themselves in Tibet to take pictures of....
Tags: asia, china, tibet, lhasa

Today we visited the nunnery of Lhasa. The nuns were very friendly and we were offered each a big cup of the infamous yak butter tea.

These nuns prepare prayer papers for later use in the praying wheels.

This one wasn't too pleased I took a photo of her and was about to kick my ass...
Tags: asia, china, tibet, lhasa

The potala palace was the winter residence of the Dalai Lama. It has now been converted into a museum.

The Jokham Temple was built in the 7th century and contains the most venerated Buddha statue in Tibetan buddhism. In front of the Buddha was a big assembly of people praying. Some brought their own small Buddha statues with them to charge them up for later use at home.

Prayer wheels are prime examples of efficient automatization and intelligent engineering applied to religious practices.

Some old geezers

and some more...
Tags: asia, china, tibet, lhasa